Saturday, February 2, 2008.
1:32 PM
Nicest Kuey Chap

Well, some of us may not know what a kuey chap is, like my friend Wan Lin. When I told her about Kuey Chap, she said, huh...what is it. But it turned out that she just doesn’t know the term but actually know what it is. Still, I believe that there are some out there who don’t even know what it is.
Kuey Chap is made of Flour in very tasty soup and then it is served with a variety of dishes. They include, tau pok, Tau Kua, Egg, salted vegetable, Pork meat, intestine, fish cake and more! So here i have with me a Kuey Chap stall at Bedok North Blk 216, which up till today, is the best tasting stall that I have tasted. You will be served by two brothers, and their Grand Aunt.
Coming to the brothers, one is just in charge of cooking and chopping to serve you a delicious meal, while the other will be doing the manual work like bring it to you, collecting the money from you and stuff like that. The brother collecting the money is fantastic. He never forgets an order, never count money wrongly, and is super fast at counting!
They kuey Chap here is quite different from others because the Kuey itself, which can be thought of like noodles, bee hoon, kuey teow, is very soft and smooth, and the texture is just nice. There are some stalls where the kuey is overcooked and soggy or not cooked enough and the kuey is not as tender. However for this stall, the standard is consistent and over the many times that my family and I visit this stall, it is always just as good. Very Amazing!
The soup itself is equally commendable. The taste of the soup is salty by nature, but the thing it is not excessively salty or excessively sweet. It just tastes too right, and it goes very well with the kuey. It’s like the perfect combination.
Whatever that I have just described is like the very basic and now we come to the extra ‘liao’ or translated to English is extra dishes. The pig’s intestines that are served here do not have a strong stale smell. I believe the stall actually takes great pain and effort to get the freshest meat and even preparing in such a way that is of such high standard. Besides, it also doesn’t possess the rubbery characteristics that are quite common in other stalls that serve pig’s intestine. It is soft, yet not too soggy, and when you bite it, you feel happy munching it! The other dishes like the fish cake, tau pok and eggs, etc are more or less the same standard when compared to other stalls. But I mean, how much wrong can you go when cooking and preparing such stuff.
So much for all the good things. Now, let me tell you some of the bad points. When coming here to eat, it is best to come here on a weekday. On weekends, it is really crowded and quite hard to get a seat. I am not sure what time it opens till, cause we always have it for breakfast or brunch like 10 plus latest. I think later than that, it closes. And beware of the people cleaning the tables. There is this particular guy who just cannot be too bothered and a lot of times, he just sweep the leftover food onto the clothes of the people eating.
I don’t really know how to direct you to this hawker centre as we normally drive here. But i know that if you take a bus or a train to the Bedok interchange, just ask anyone how to go to Blk 216 and you should be able to get there without much hassle.